These are some of the nature pictures I took at Century Wood this summer. As a I mentioned last week, I didn’t get very much actual work done, but I did see some interesting things, including some striking fungi and various forms of damage by American Grey Squirrels. This first picture is a giant puffball, with a 50p coin for scale.
Next I came across a fungal bracket on a dead, shaded-out poplar.
A young hazel with bark stripped by American grey squirrels, with distinctive tooth marks. Immature hazelnuts found on the ground, split in half or bitten from the end, with pin prick squirrel tooth marks. The fur and skull of a squirrel on the floor of the barn, presumably caught and eaten by a buzzard or owl.
The trolley I use at the wood, now with solid tyres and repainted. A rabbit next to the trolley. A wasp nest in the corner of the barn.
Two crates of logs going home with me at the start of October.
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